Today is the day I always celebrate Spring mainly because it is my paternal grandmother’s birthday – “Miss Roxie.” She was always very present in my life even though for most of my life she lived 600 plus miles away.
“Back in the day” grandparents didn’t always show as much affection as they do today, but I always remember her having a smile on her face and laughing with delight when I came to visit, giving me a big hug. I think it was at her house I had my first Coke – the small bottle – and to this day I can picture myself in her kitchen with that Coke and imagine the aroma and taste; same thing for cantaloupe.
I visited her almost every summer after we moved to Florida until she died so many years later. It was always a special treat for me and I’m glad all three of my children got to know her, at least for at least a little while.
As all of the family gathered upon her death (she had gracefully lived 109 years) and shared our memories, I requested to give a eulogy during her funeral service and I thought I would share with you the basics of what I said – as there were only a few bullet points I quickly wrote.
From your grandchildren, MaMa Martin, the gifts you gave us:
• Sense of Humor – She laughed a lot at life’s situations.
• Positive Attitude – keeping a focus of what’s good about life instead of complaining. I don’t recall her bashing anyone. She smiled a lot, I think because she was happy with who she was in the world.
• Connection to God / Spirit / Higher Being – she believed in God and the power of prayer. For most of her life she attended church and gave back to her community through some of the church work. I also think she found as much connection to God / Spirit when she was gardening. At age 93 she told her physician to get out from behind his desk and get his hands in the dirt to have a healthier heart and life.
• Exercise – she was always active, would walk to town from her house about 6 blocks away to do errands or walked around the block at least once a day. She always had a garden and beautiful flowers and plants in her yard. As she grew older she used her walker and walked the circle from the kitchen to the living room and back.
• Respect for Others – everyone that knew Miss Roxie respected her – she had a high level of integrity, was dependable, caring and kind. She showed us through her actions to be respectful of others as well as respect her.
• She had a shot of bourbon every night – for health purposes – a good tradition to continue.
This grand lady was a Suffragette who helped other women get out an exercise their new found right to vote. She dropped out of school in 5th grade to help her sick mother with the 6 younger siblings, but was very smart and very wise. There are many stories to tell as you can imagine, but another time.
She raised four children and helped all of her grandchildren who ever spent any time with her learn about minding her (doing what she said we needed to do), not talk back, and have excellent manners – a lot of fun too.
She was the gift to all of us, especially her five grandchildren.
Thank you MaMa for helping me to become the woman I am today. I miss you and love you.
2016© Margaret Martin
Always remember, #YourChatterMatters