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Message of Hope Continues . . . Dance

As we go through the uncertainties and many changes in our lives, I think it is important to find an outlet to release the feelings of uncertainty, fear, panic, sorrow and grief to embrace fun, laughter and joy in our lives. One way to release is through dancing. No matter what your mood or challenge, you can take the opportunity to dance.

 Find your favorite song or turn on the radio and just move your body to the music. It really doesn’t matter what your dance looks like, don’t worry if you happen to be somewhere where other people will see you, your dance is for you.

 Dancing helps us find a point of joy in our lives. Dancing is fun – do it!

 Don’t tell me that you can’t dance, (I don’t know how many times I have heard people say this because they are concerned that they don’t know the actual steps to take – who cares?) it didn’t stop you when you were a little kid – you danced whenever you felt like it and didn’t care what anyone thought. Get up and do it!

 No matter what your challenge today or your physical ability, you can find the time and way to dance – even if it is only swaying your arms or nodding your head to the beat – jus do it! Dance every day at least for a few minutes and I’ll be that you will feel better. You might even feel more joyful and lighter and you will get the blood and energy moving in your body.

 Dancing helps us release and let go, it is good for the soul.

 Celebrate the life you are living today – your life!

 And always remember, it’s the Chatter that Matters!

Margaret Martin ©2015

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