5 Steps to Kindness
Thinking about how we can be more kind to each other here are a few ideas.
No. 5 – Make the world a cleaner place.
- Pick up trash that you see along your way. Why? You are helping make the world more beautiful and if you do it with a smile, it even enhances the energy.
- Clean up around your own home – inside and out. This creates more beauty and helps increase the positive energy around you.
- Support organizations that create a safer environment by donating your time or your dollars.
- Recycle all that you can: paper / glass / plastic – donate good unused or unwanted items to a homeless shelter or thrift shops that provide assistance to others in varying ways.
- Plant a few trees or other plants – they clean our air.
- Be a role model, many people observe your actions, always do your best.
No. 4 – Donate your time to:
- Organizations that speak to your heart.
- Read to children – your own, your grandchildren, at the library or even perhaps at a homeless shelter.
- Groups that help set positive examples in the world.
- Your skills to help others learn or grow their business.
No. 3 – Help a friend or neighbor.
- Bring the paper to the door for one of your neighbors, especially if they need a little extra help.
- Take a batch of homemade cookies / brownies / cake / bowl of soup – it will brighten their day.
- Do a project for them or help them with one – painting / gardening / moving furniture around. It’s more fun and gets done quicker with others.
- Invite them over to get to know them better – ask them to bring something to share so you don’t have to provide everything. Several of us in our neighborhood have Wine Night once a month – rotating homes and sharing the snacks.
No. 2 – Random acts of kindness.
- Leave your server an extra-large tip – especially when they’ve done a great job.
- Help someone with their groceries – not all stores provide the service.
- Leave a box of cookies for those who pick up our trash / letter carrier / UPS or FedEx.
- Any of the items mentioned in 2 – 5.
- Choose one day a week as RAK Day (Random Acts of Kindness Day) or do something every day.
- Be creative and spontaneous when you are inspired to do something for someone.
No. 1 – Be kind to YOU
- Talk kindly to you – do not beat yourself up. Your Chatter does Matter, especially to you.
- Take care of your body – get up and move around / exercise / eat well / get enough sleep.
- Take Naps!
- Carve out “Me” time – it can be time for a refreshing beverage / reading time / bubble baths / watching favorite movies – any number of things.
- Appreciate you and all of your abilities and attributes.
- Take more naps!!!
Which one is your favorite? Mine is No. 2, but I love all of them and do my best to do them in some way every day.
Always remember, #YourChatterMatters – whether it’s from your head (self-talk) or your mouth, your Chatter always Matters!
Margaret Martin © 2017