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Worry, is it Fear or Love?

There is either Love or Fear – into which category do you think worry fits?

My definition of worry – spending a lot of time and energy thinking about something that may or may not happen. Sorta like wanting to go from here to a city 200 miles away and you climb on your stationary bicycle to get there – you spend a lot of time and a LOT of energy and don’t go anywhere. You just wear yourself out. So why would you want to spend time / energy with worry?

So into which category does it fit, I think it fits into FEAR. Fear also causes us to do a lot of things that create negatives in our lives. Such as you may think that someone is talking badly about you and you spend a lot of time and energy thinking  – aka: worrying – about it, but you’re not really sure it’s happening.

How can you get beyond worrying without confronting them? My suggestion is to look at the situation from a different perspective. When someone is attacking you, or you think they are, it is usually a “their stuff,” they are feeling icky about something and you are the target. They are crying out for Love. They are in pain and need to feel loved, – now, they may want to disagree and call it so many other things –  perhaps the only way they know is to act out of fear and when you really get to the bottom of things, they really want to be loved.

So just for today, I ask that you change your perspective of worry – about anything that is going on in your life – just for today, this moment know that worry comes from fear, then change your perspective, your thoughts to love or at least kindness toward yourself about the situation or person.

“You are what you think about whether you like it or not.” from The Chatter that Matters

always remember, Your Chatter Matters
©Margaret Martin 2016

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