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Peace In Your Heart

Peace in Your HeartLove and kindess

 With so much disruption going on in our world, I’m sure that you are among many of us who may be praying for PEACE in the world, I am.

 “If we want peace, we must get into the spirit of peace and affirm the Truth about it.”
         – Eric Butterworth

When reading the quote above, it may cause you to pause and think – am I in a spirit of peace? Do I act peacefully with my neighbors, my co-workers, my family? If the answer is “no” then our prayers are less likely to be answered – at least that is what I have surmised from all the reading I have done.

 In other words, it is like what Gandhi said, “be the change you want to see in the world.” If I am rude and can’t get along with the people in my neighborhood, the people in my organization, the people in my family, or treat myself badly, how can I expect there to be peace in the world?

 As we look at the areas of the world where there is the most strife, from our vantage point, there is much anger and fear, very little peace. So what if we began today to focus on peace within our own heart. What if we are willingly generous with our thoughts and actions of kindness? Just for today?

If everyone who reads this and shares it with their friends – if all of you take action, just for today – what a positive change in our world. Then if you continue these peaceful actions from your heart for another “just for today,” and then another and another, you will see the world more peacefully and those prayers you have for more peace in the world will radiate out further and further, thus creating more peace.

 But we must start in our own heart and know that when we do and continue that practice – we can affirm the Truth about it. We can be the PEACE and those that observe us will begin to be more peaceful in their heart.

 Start today, just for today – be at peace in your heart.

always remember, Your Chatter Matters

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