Peace In Challenging Times
There’s a lot going on in our world right now – mass shootings, earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfires, wars all over the world and some that I have probably missed – and it has caused many people to feel very fearful. Are events like this gnawing at you?
I am not fearful, yet I am concerned! Very concerned!
I know in my heart that things will always work out for the best, yet what experiences do we have to go through to come out okay on the other side? I wish I had an answer for that question and if you do, please share it with us.
Here is how I approach this troubled time we are going through. Each day as I begin my day I meditate and ask for guidance to be of service and help to others, then . . . I listen and receive the guidance as it shows up – sometimes as intuitive ideas, gut feelings, visual reminders, then I do my best to follow through on those messages.
What does that mean? Well, sometimes it is as simple as I complete my meditation, I open my arms and send love and kindness out into the world for anyone who is asking or wants to receive. Other times I post encouraging messages or pictures on social media or I might have received a message (or a nudge) to call someone and as it turns out they were feeling down and needed a little pick-me-up. Sometimes it is a day or week of random acts of kindness.
You see, peace begins within – when our heart is at peace, our mind will be at peace and less interested in reacting to other people’s negative stuff! Take a step back and ask yourself, “how important is it to me and my wellbeing that I react to these negative, insensitive, controversial, or ‘it won’t matter in my history’ moments? Bless them for showing up – perhaps there’s a lesson to learn – and allow them to go on their merry way.”
Sometimes it is important to follow that instinct / nudge to get involved in a cause to help make a positive difference. The most important thing to do is ask the question, “does this feel good and right to do or does it feel like the wrong thing to do?” When it feels right, take the appropriate action. If it doesn’t feel good, let it be.
Take good care of yourself; that always makes the world a better place!
Margaret Martin © 2017
artist: Nathan Sawaya, “The Art of the Brick”