Daring to be Different in 2018
Dare to be different!
I’m sure you hear this often especially at the beginning of each new year, phrases such as get out of your comfort zone, if you keep doing what you have always done, nothing will change!
So do you? Do you do things differently? Are you planning to? If so, when? I am / I do!
Earlier in 2017 I began a coaching program to help me shake things up in my business as well as in my personal life. I’m getting out of my comfort zone, trying new daily routines and getting away from or reviewing all the various patterns and processes I’ve done in the past. I also have an accountability partner with whom I meet every Monday via Zoom where we review what we’ve accomplished over the week, what we are working on for the upcoming week or month or an upcoming project.
One of my projects (or goals if you want to call it that) is to begin a webinar series on The Chatter that Matters – Your Words ARE Your Power. I’ve made the commitment, talked about it and am working out the details – it will begin in February – stay tuned. I’ve wanted to do this since the book came out and let one excuse after another keep me from doing it! In other words, I had to go back and read my own message (ha ha ha) and stop the negative self-talk!
What are you doing different this year?
If you haven’t thought of something yet, here are a few ideas you might consider:
1) A little more self-care time – even if it’s only 5-10 minutes in the day, at least it is a start. You can start a new book – yes, even 5 or 10 minutes of reading is better than NO reading. Spend the time just doing some stretching or a walk around the block. Be creative, but take time for you.
2) Try some new recipes – we get into ruts (I did especially as the mother in a household of 5 to 7 people, yes we took in family and friends from time-to-time). This was before and early stages of the internet world where now there is so much information that is easily accessible.
3) Get out and meet some new people – search MeetUp for groups that interest you.
Change is good even though sometimes causes a bit of discomfort. Make 2018 a year of change, shake things up! I bet you’ll be glad you did!
I would love to hear what your ideas are, please be sure to share them so that others might benefit as well. I’ll compose a list and let you know in the next newsletter.
Margaret Martin ©2018