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Can Opulence be a Mindset?

“The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little.” – Thomas Merton

A few days ago while talking with my friends in my MasterMind group, we got on the subject of opulence. I made the statement that I think that opulence can be a mindset based on how you feel about the things you have…maybe that’s considered luxury, I’m not sure.

Here’s the definition of opulence: noun – wealth, riches, or affluence; abundance, as of resources or goods; plenty.

What triggered my thinking of this mindset of opulence came from a candle that I bought at one of our local shops. Once I lit the candle and sat enjoying its fragrance, it triggered a memory of being in a luxurious place with “nice” things all around. While sitting there in that state of mind / memory, I realized that I have plenty of those things around me – mine and my mother’s china, silver, crystal and fine linens. So, I got up and switched out the glass on my beside table to one of those crystal glasses, put a nice linen table cloth on the dining room table with place settings with silver. I freshened up the accent pillows on my sofa. I got out several of those “really nice” pens that I had put away for “some time special” and put one on my desk and on the table next to my morning chair where I journal.

Within just a few minutes not only had I changed my mindset to luxury and opulence, I had updated my home with that feeling . . . you can too!

You may have your own china, crystal, silver and beautiful linens or perhaps you have your grandmother’s china, crystal or silver or some other really nice things stored in a box or a closet that you are saving for some time special. Today is special – it’s never happening again. Every day is “special.” Pull out those “special things” – use them! If you don’t have those things and shopping at high-end retail doesn’t fit your budget, check out your local thrift and discount stores, they usually have an abundance of wonderful pieces that you can get. You can find those nice linens at various shops or even on some of the overstock sites.

Take a look at your clothes, do they build your confidence or self-esteem when you put them on, or are they those “old things” you’ve had forever that are wearing out? Get rid of them – get clothes and shoes that you will feel special and confident when you wear them. Here again, if your budget doesn’t allow high-end retail, check discount stores and I found some really wonderful pieces in consignment and thrift stores.

“Fashion passes, style remains.” – Coco Chanel (1883-1971), founder of Chanel

It’s really about what feels luxurious and opulent to you. I’m not one that likes lots of gold in some of the mansions that you see, I like understated luxury.

This week one of my friends in the MasterMind group was visiting overnight and I was sharing my thoughts about this article. She agreed with my thinking and said that she likes and enjoys simple luxury – wearing nice clothes, enjoying a luxurious décor that fits her style, using the good quality items she has around her. We also agreed that you don’t have to have $1,000,000 plus in your bank account to enjoy luxury and opulence.

And as I write this message the luxurious candle is burning providing a beautiful fragrance around me and the feeling of opulence.

What things do you have packed away that you could bring out and make your home or office even more beautiful?

I’d love to hear from you on this as you share your ideas of whether opulence is a mindset or an accumulation of millions of dollars.

“Luxury can be very simple, for example, staying 15 minutes longer in bed.” – Jean-Louis Dumas, chairman of Hermes

“Luxury is the balance of design, in the sense of beauty and highest quality.” – Domenico de Sole, former CEO of Gucci

Margaret ©2017

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