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Feel Fear or Own Your Power?

Paris 2015

As I write this message I am saddened by the tragedy in Paris yesterday. I morn for those family and friends of the people who were killed by cowards who just want to invoke fear in everyone. Just yesterday  I had lunch with a dear friend who had just returned from a trip to Paris that she had dreamt about for many years – I am so grateful that this did not happen while she was there.

Paris mugI sip from my “Saturday Morning Mug” and think of not just the Parisians, but all of France. I bought this mug at the Eiffel Tower almost 10 years ago on my first trip to Paris and have had used almost every Saturday morning since then. Today it is extra special to me – I can only imagine what Parisians must be going through – I pray for them, I energetically send them healing energy and strength.

I send them courage to stand strong, to continue to believe that Paris is a city of love. The people who did this harm to Paris – – – and all other places around the world – – – are cowards who do not have the strength of character and belief in their cause to stand up for it, to speak peacefully about it and its benefits – if any. No, they choose the coward’s way – shrink away, do not care about themselves (even though they are told by their leaders that they are martyrs…the leaders lie, they make stupid choices).

What makes this extremely appalling is that it happened on World Kindness Day!

People who really believe in their cause stand tall and strong, speak about the benefits of their cause – – – those are the real champions, the true leaders. Not the cowards who brainwash innocent people into believing they are doing a great service to the world.

For these cowards to fully succeed they want all of us to live in fear! No matter where we live, they could be after us, we might be next! That is what they want us to think! BUT here’s what I think, I do not fear you, you cowards!!! I am much more powerful than you – I approach the world with love in my heart, I extend my love to you especially because the Universe knows you need it! It is not my idea to change you, it is my idea and my cause to send love throughout the world and as more people do that, it diminishes you!

(the Divine in me salutes the Divine in YOU)
Margaret Martin ©2015

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