Getting Down to Business with LinkedIn
I want to share several tips to improve your LinkedIn (LI) profile. As many of you know, I’ve spent 15 years in Outplacement / Career Transition helping thousands of people create or update their profile as well as having been engaged by many private clients for assistance.

Top 3 Tips
▶ Headline – Tell people who you are, who you help and how you help them in your headline: A headline that communicates these points is often what grabs a person’s attention when searching the site. I should be able to read your headline and know exactly what you offer and why I should get in touch with you. Be clear and compelling. Do not use your job title and company name.
▶ Invitations – Be specific when you want to connect with someone on LI, personalize your invitation and let them know why you would like to connect. Make sure you have actually reviewed their profile and know what they do.
If it is someone that you think could use your services, that’s fine, BUT DO NOT SELL them immediately after your connection. Let them know that you will be looking forward to their posts – then comment and share (if appropriate). Build a relationship, then message or email them to do a “get to know you” conversation.
Yes, this is a pet peeve of mine because as a coach and author, I just read their headline and if it says I help coaches or speakers do . . . I just ignore it. Sometimes I message them and ask what in my profile compelled them to want to connect? Occasionally I do get a response, often just silence, so I ignore the invite.
▶ Company / Business Page – If you own a business, you need a company page. It is pretty simple to setup so take the time to do it. I have been asked by people why they should have one, my response is pretty simple, “Is what you do a business or a hobby? If it is a serious business, then you need a company page.”
Once you include the page then go back to your profile and link to your page. To do that, go to edit your experience, delete the business name and reenter it, as you do that it should auto-populate with your company logo and a link to that page.
I hope you’ve found this helpful and I’ll be back next month with a few more tips
If you need help in the meantime, send me an email or contact me directly and we’ll schedule time to talk.