Let Peace Begin with ME
Times are turbulent is many areas of our world.
With shootings in neighborhoods, wildfires, road rage, rains, crazy political ranting and the largest massacre in US history, it is time to pause. Pause and allow ourselves to find peace within – this is hard sometimes, but do your best.
Here’s one of my favorite songs – Let There Be Peace on Earth – there are lyrics so you can sing along. I invite you to change any words that may not resonate with you such as: God – use any word that represents your higher belief; Brother – is a universal word for all of us, but you may want to substitute – Family.
Enjoy . . .
The wise words of Gandhi remind us, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” If you want more peace, let it begin with you. Be at peace with you, your neighbor, your family and others. If it’s a challenge to feel peace, try starting with being kind – being kind to you is a good place to start.
Let me know if I can be of help to you on your journey. And always remember,
Your Chatter Matters!
Margaret © 2016