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Message of Hope

Over the last few weeks I have participated in a meditation series facilitated by Oprah and Deepak Chopra on “Hope in uncertain times.”

I want to share with you over the next several weeks a few key points of which I was reminded / inspired.

Uncertainty is not our enemy. – We all live with uncertainty in many areas of our lives. Think about it: 1) our jobs – even though you may be doing well in your company, it doesn’t protect you from the possibility of a layoff (as career consultant I hear this very often); if you own the company you are subject to the economy, buy trends, and more. 2) the weather – living in Florida the weather is often unpredictable and even the best meteorologist gets it wrong a lot; 3) gas prices – ever changing. You get the picture.

“Hope and Fear cannot occupy the same space. Invite one to stay.” Maya Angelou

I do my best to always choose hope. Choosing hope gives me the inner knowing that things are going to work out okay, even if it is not exactly as I planned or wanted. It keeps me from giving up when the going gets tough.

When choosing hope in challenging times, we open up our minds to imagine other possibilities.

“Hope is being able to see there is light despite all of the darkness.” Desmond Tutu

Remember, change is a given and when change looks really BIG, then remember that HOPE comes from within – tap into that!

“There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.” Bernard Williams

Don’t ever give up hope.

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