Message of Hope Continues – What do YOU believe?
“Hope . . . is the companion of power, and the mother of success; for who so hopes has within him/her the gift of miracles.” – Samuel Smiles
Hope can be undermined by fear and anxiety. When you recognize that your fear and anxiety is based on an illusion, you become free, hopeful and fearless. You may argue with this thought / concept – fear and anxiety is based on illusion, yet how much of what you fear is real?
• You may fear not having enough money to pay the end of the month bills, but when you look at the fear in the present moment – today, do you have enough money to get through today? If yes, is the answer to that question, then you are spending a lot of time and energy focused on something that may not become a reality.
• You may fear that you will have a heart attack because other family members have had heart attacks and up to this point in time, there is no other indicator that you will have one, yet it’s constantly on your mind. If you look at the fear of having a heart attack and ask yourself, “am I ok and healthy today?” and the answer is yes, then once again, you are spending a lot of time and energy worrying about something that may never
I could go on with examples, but I am sure you get the point.
When you get into the fear of something happening, pause and get present in the moment. Take a deep breath and a few more breaths, then ask yourself a question relevant of what you are fearful – is it real right now in this moment? Am I …? If the answer is no, allow yourself to feel that relief. Feel the relief in that moment. Now as you go back to your day take that feeling of relief with you. If the fear pops up again, pause and repeat the present moment exercise.
As I quoted Maya Angelou last week, “Hope and Fear cannot occupy the same space. Invite one in.”
From Oprah: “You become what you believe – not what you wish for or want. You become what you expect in your heart.”
I also like the statement by Byron Katie – “Is it true?” In this moment is it really true?
If you continue to believe in your fears, you will manifest them somehow, some way. Give hope a chance, be in the moment and be hopeful that you can release the fear and anxiety.
Always remember, Your Chatter – whether it comes from your thoughts or from your mouth – Matters!
© 2017