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#MindfulMonday – Be Mindful of Your Thoughts

As you begin your week, I encourage you to be mindful of the thoughts that are racing around in your mind. Are they thoughts that are empowering you so that you are successful in all that you do? Or are they possibly the same negative thoughts that you’ve been thinking over and over for days and weeks on end – which is likely the case!

There are several actions you can take to change the thoughts, the first of which is being aware of them. “Now that you are aware, you can no longer be unaware,” is one of my favorite phrases. The ability to pay closer attention to what your mind is thinking is now heightened.

The next way is once you’re paying attention to those thought, you can stop the loop in one or two different ways: 1) saying “stop it” – I’ve even shouted outloud (when I’m by myself) and then take a deep breath or three – focus on your heart as if you are breathing through your heart and this will get you out of your head; 2) remind yourself to do the breathing process, then think of affirmations that are appropriate for you and focus on those.

Just remember, you have control over your thinking, choose good thoughts!

If you would like to get more experience in the processes of changing your negative self-talk, be sure and join me in the Master Class Power Series: “What ARE You Thinking? Use Your Mind to Change Your Life” which begins on Tuesday, September 18th at 7:30 pm. For more information and the course description, click here.

I look forward to seeing you there!

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