#MindfulMonday – Women in My Life
This week wraps up the official Women’s History Month so I want to wrap up my focus with two women who definitely have an impact on my life – my sister Helen and my cousin Ann. These two were not just cousins to each other, they were like sisters. Ann was also like a sister to me.
When I was a young child, they often tormented me as all older siblings tend to do – calling me to come find them and then they hid in a closet and jumped out at me when I walked past. They laughed so hard and I was always skittish after that – lessons in life <smile>.
As we became adults, we were always there for each other, supporting each other through any challenges we had, being a sounding board and always loving each other. We would get together at least once a year for many years and have a great time telling stories, shopping – oh, we could definitely do some damage together, watching movies and just “being” together!
In May of 2011, this trio, the Three Amigos, transitioned to a duo with the passing of Ann. There is not a day that passes that I don’t think of her. This picture is on my bookshelf in my bedroom where I see the three of us as I start each day.

I am thankful for the inspiration, love and friendship that Ann provided – I miss that, I miss her!
And I am thankful that my sister, Helen is still my rock, my sounding board and my best friend is still here and grateful we stay connected. We still have our “girl time,” even though we don’t do much damage in the stores anymore (my brother-in-law might disagree with that <smile>), but more importantly we love and support each other!
Pause today and think of someone in your life that has made a big difference for you – been there for you, provided support, love or friendship – reach out and say “thank you!” I’m sure they will appreciate it!
Margaret Martin ©2017