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Power of Purging

One of the best things about moving is purging stuff that no longer suits you or brings you joy – clothes, “things,” books, papers, etc. During my recent move I purged a lot of stuff and was able to donate much of it and the rest went in the trash (thankfully our garbage is incinerated and doesn’t go in a landfill).

I’m mostly settled in the new place, yet as I continue unpacking and rearranging, the purge continues.  Currently I am focused on purging the 4-drawer filing cabinet, I’ve completed the initial purge of three drawers and have discovered and uncovered some interesting items.

Here’s some of what I’ve uncovered so far:

Testimonials and recommendations from coaching clients:

“I met Margaret Martin at a conference in Hilton Head, SC and admired her work, thinking that maybe she was the “missing link” I was looking for. She was my missing link!

Margaret was tremendous as she helped me to see a clearer direction, to set realistic goals in my business and personal life, and to attain the balance to maintain a healthy personal and professional life. She has helped me see my dreams and to move in the direction I wanted to go, gradually reducing the things that had distracted, annoyed and frustrated me. I have broken old habits that used to wear me out, tie me down and made me sad. I now have less stress, more time, more money and a healthier business!

I would highly recommend Margaret Martin as their coach for anyone who wants to take their career to the ‘next level!” – D’Jean Carter, Practice Management Consultant

“I knew what I needed to accomplish and I was properly motivated. I was finding it difficult to prioritize because most of my objectives seemed to be equally urgent. My tasks were so overwhelming that I found myself avoiding them and further compounding my desperation.

I am amazed at the clarity with which I look at my situation after our coaching sessions. I am focused and productive. I have found that coaching doesn’t cost – it pays! Thank you for helping me uncover and use the abilities and resources that are always at my fingertips.” – Marcia Ribordy, Financial Consultant

Other things I uncovered were copies of speaking contracts for programs that I had forgotten about – did I really start speaking back in 1997?  Programs such as “Lighten Your Load in Life,” Moving Beyond Overwhelm,” and “Treasure Change, Embracing Life’s Constant Flow.”  And comment forms with nice accolades to my presentations, but more importantly – what people learned and planned to put into action – that is what keeps us speakers / trainers going!

Then the fun discovery of $$$money$$$ that I had stashed! I keep searching for more of that <grin>!

At this point I have recycled over 2 reams of paper and will never, ever have to buy more filing folders!

I feel much lighter and can’t wait to see what the 4th drawer uncovers!

The discovery continues!

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