Speaking from my Heart
Some days I do feel perplexed as to what I could write that might help someone or make a difference in someone’s life, well actually, many days I feel that way because I never know what’s going to make a difference, if any, someone’s life.
So today I take a route that I rarely speak about in a public way, on social media, only in private – politics. Speaking from my heart.
Sunday evening I was watching a rerun of the television program, “Madam Secretary” where the president’s plane is missing and the usual line of succession to the office of president was out of whack for some reason and the Secretary of State was going to be sworn in as the President of the United States.
As I watched the actress who plays Elizabeth McCord repeat the oath of office of the President and I wondered……how many of the candidates who are out there politicking and clamoring to sit in the Oval Office and truly embody what being the President of the United States really means?
I have never seen or heard and honestly haven’t researched it, but I would really love for each candidate to get out of all the hype and speak from their heart what this really means to them, what our country means to them and the real reason they want to take that oath of office.
And one of the other things I would like to remind that person as well as those members of Congress, our State Legislators of all states – you work for us, we pay your salary – listen to the hearts of what is in the best interest of the country, the state and do accordingly – not the preferences of the big money aka big pharma, corporations, special interests and more.
I am so proud to live in the United States, even though our current election process is disgusting, I know I am so blessed – I hope you do as well.
PS – I don’t want other political rants here, save it for your own blog.
Always remember, #YourChatterMatters