The Hope I Need
– Provides My Inspiration
On a busy Friday morning recently, I was working to get most of my day’s work completed by 1pm, I had an friend arriving from out of town for the afternoon, and one of my “to do’s” was to get to the post office to mail off a package and pick up my mail.
Upon my return to my office, I began opening my mail and was touched to see that I had received a letter from a prisoner at one of our Florida correctional facilities that he had read my book, The Chatter that Matters . . . Your Words ARE Your Power. He wanted to share with me what a difference it had made in his life, he called it “the Miracle Book.” He went on to say that he did not know how the book had come to him, but that he knew that it was important that he had it.
Two years ago I had the opportunity to give a presentation at three Florida Correctional Facilities as part of their GED graduation program. At that time, I donated 3 books to the library at each facility and at the first event, each prisoner was presented with a copy of The Chatter that Matters. The interesting thing to note is that I did not speak at the facility from where his letter had been mailed – who knows where and how he ended up with the book. As he said in the letter, things happen for a reason and that often in his life “just the right thing” showed at the right time and that he needed my book to help him get back on the right track.
Here are a few comments from his, RW’s, letter on how it is making a difference in his life . . .
“I love your book because everything is from a positive note, it’s not negative, it’s educational, helpful, and good for the human spirit. I agree with your book because it’s reality, real and everyday life. You are an angel; you are speaking from wisdom and experience – the best guidance you can give anyone, making a difference in life and people’s lives.
“Your miracle book is taking me through a transformation and giving me lots of tools to use and giving me answers to my everyday problems. . . . it is easy to read, to understand, real clear.
“I’ve been following some of your steps because I have read the great book, Think and Grow Rich, have seen several cd’s of the motivational speaker, Jack Canfield, have another great book, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles and now I have your great book. I see now that your miracle book is very much needed in the business world. Out of the three books, yours is the “icing on the cake” because of the knowledge and information it has in it.”
As you can imagine, this letter brought me to tears – tears of joy, humbleness, and hope. Joy because I am excited that my book is helping, making a positive change in people’s lives (my mission). Humbleness – I am still baffled as to how and why this book happened, other than from the guiding source from Spirit and that I must have “signed up” to do this work to help make a positive impact. Hope – that is what keeps me going to do this work; it gives people HOPE during their life journey. I’ve always had the theory that in any presentation, writing, or conversation that if I can provide at least “one nugget” that will help someone, it is a success for me.
Most of the time I don’t get this type of feedback and I thank RW for taking time to let me know and provide inspiration to me to never give up doing my work, the work Spirit has led me to do. I AM blessed and I AM grateful.
always remember, Your Chatter Matters!!!
Margaret Martin©2014