Will you risk failing this week?
Failing is part of life’s experience unless you don’t try or attempt something new.
For many years I was afraid to fail and there were many excuses (not reasons) why: 1) What would people say – spouse, siblings, parents and the neighbors? 2) Humiliation – because of what others would say. 3) I wasn’t brave enough – didn’t really want something bad enough to risk failing.
Do any of these reasons speak to you?
What I have learned – 1) People don’t think about you nearly as much as you think they do and besides when your failure becomes their topic of conversation is usually because they have never risked much or they are jealous. 2) Humiliation happens only when you own it; when you beat yourself up over the failure. 3) If you want something badly enough you will take the leap / the risk.
If you’ve ever heard Sara Blakely of SPANX talk about her success, she shares that her dad encouraged her brother and her to fail at something each day. That may sound weird, but it also means that they were willing to try all sorts of new things that they might not have ordinarily tried . . . and goodness knows when Sara took her leap to create SPANX and continued to persevere, her leap was definitely worth the risk of failure.
What will you do this week to risk failing?
I’m taking the risk to create a new webinar series for July on The Chatter that Matters – stay tuned, I’ll report back in August with the results of the risk.