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Your Chatter Matters – Webinar – Starts February 6th

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Does your mind get stuck in a hopeless loop?    The same thoughts going through your head over and over and over again (aka ruminating thoughts)?


Do you feel stuck?    

Do you have the feeling “nobody cares?”

Is that voice in your head saying to you   – – – – “you aren’t good enough,”  “you’ll never amount to anything,” “who do you think you are” and other such negative self-talk?  Everyone has a voice like this, you’re not the only one!  That voice is one that you’ve gotten used to hearing, but it is WRONG!

Do you often feel like you are small or invisible and no one hears you?  

Feel like a doormat? Do people impose upon you or take advantage of you – and what do you say to yourself when the do? What kind of stories do you keep telling yourself that let them do to you?

There is an answer and the answer is right inside of you, you just need a little help to reach inside yourself and find it. It won’t take long, 5 1-hour sessions and you will have the tools to use for a lifetime.
This course will help you:
•  Identify and transform your negative self-talk – Mind Chatter
•  Re-evaluate and change how you talk with others
•  Learn to set boundaries to protect yourself from the negativity of others – people will treat you as you allow them.
•  More positive focus, less negative chatter
•  Increased self-confidence
•  Improved communication
•  Eliminate drama in your life

Begins: Tuesday, February 6th for 5 weeks from 7:30 – 8:30pm EST.
Course dates: February: 6, 13, 20, 27 and March 6.
Where: Zoom – you can join in from the convenience of you home / office / phone.
Cost: $97  Click here to register 

 As a member of the course you will receive:
• Five one hour sessions with Margaret
• MP3 and video recordings of each class
• Membership in a private Facebook discussion group
• Weekly pre and post session emails
• Support within the community

 Sessions Include:

 Session 1: Welcome / Introductions | About The Chatter that Matters and why it matters in your life
Session 2: What’s your Chatter saying to you? | Transforming the negative to encouraging words, words that will affirm you with a positive focus.
Session 3: Have you or someone you know created communication habits that are annoying? | Review and discuss what changes you want to make.
Session 4: Setting Boundaries | Discover / Uncover where you need to set boundaries in your life. | Steps to setting boundaries – never put yourself in harms way.
Session 5: Review and Putting it all Together | Wrap-up

Scholarships are available – If the tuition prevents you from participating, you are invited to apply for a scholarship.  Please send Margaret a brief email at explaining why you feel led to participate in these classes.  Please include where you live. She will put all of the names in a special gold bag and draw 5 days before the course begins, you will be notified on that date.

  Don’t miss out – Sign up today – Class size is limited!

About the facilitator – Margaret Martin: Margaret published The Chatter that Matters – Your Words ARE Your Power in 2012 and has helped many individuals and groups improve their Mind Chatter – negative self-talk, Other Chatter – how they converse with others and their Protective Chatter – learn to set boundaries to protect themselves from the negativity of others.


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